Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.



New or longtime supporter, we want you to know that our eight newsletters throughout the year are not designed to be self-absorbed sales brochures or a clever tool with sensational headlines or boring statistics to which most cannot relate. Our hope, however good or bad, is to provide you with updates on how we are meeting the needs of struggling individuals and families, and sharing stories of individuals whose lives have been impacted from the resources you help provide.

Yes, we are a “go-to” non-profit in the city regarding food, fresh rescue, distribution and pantry networks, and as such we share our expertise with others so that as many hungry, hopeless individuals can be served.

I would be a liar if I did not share that my hope is to keep you informed so you can be better equipped to share our story and your participation. We hope you’ll involve your friends, relatives and network around you so that we might obtain new partners to help us in Fighting Hunger – Feeding Hope.

That having been said, we have moved into a new, calmer period dealing with the pandemic and are greatly relieved from the pressure to acquire unprecedented food resources for all the needy families. Our new norm is now 6-7,000 distributions each month (or enough food for approximately 30,000 individuals).

It would take me forever to thank all the HEROES that stepped up to make it all work. We rejoiced when spontaneous gifts from organizations and individuals arrived and were elated when new folks joined us to volunteer. It has been a challenging season, but one filled with much love and lots of resources to folks that never thought they would need help.

THANK YOU for your continued confidence and partnership

Will Hernandez, Director