Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Renewed Hope men’s program celebrates growth, success in second year

Renewed Hope men’s program celebrates growth, success in second year

What a year. It is fair to say that no one really expected the year to turn out the way it has. A global pandemic, and an economic shutdown, and a contested election are just a few of the obstacles that our country, our counties, and our cities have faced over this year. The Mission has remained steadfast in our commitment to provide refuge, recovery, and restoration to those in need.

Renewed Hope was not even a year old when this tumultuous year began. And while we have faced the same hardships as those around us, we still have some wonderful things to celebrate. During the shutdown, our men helped to organize and distribute food from our pop-up pantry that helped feed thousands of families. We celebrated birthdays of both life and sobriety. We’ve prepared four men who are ready to graduate from our program. And we can celebrate thousands of combined days of sober living with the men that reside with us at Renewed Hope.

We also like to think about life beyond our doors. Two of our men are working on their education, with one planning on college when he finishes the program. One of our graduates is getting recertified as a professional barber and hopes to one day have his own business. We are partnering with the local neighborhood council and Reality LA church to provide service days where those experiencing homelessness can get a hot meal, a shower, a haircut, and get their laundry done and a fresh change of clothes.

The main reason we celebrate is the same as it has always been. Our faith, rooted in Jesus Christ, gives us hope no matter what circumstances we face that may try and steal that hope. This is the hope we pass along to the men in our program and the people we serve all around us in East Hollywood.

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40)
Rick Chamness
Program Manager, Renewed Hope