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Covarrubias family has one less worry during these hard times

Juanita and Salvador have been receiving help from the pantry at La Voz Sylmar for a few months.
Juanita and Salvador have three kids and live on one income
Salvador and Juanita Covarrubias have three children and were struggling financially, depending on Salvador's income alone. "It's hard and many people have lost jobs," said
Juanita. "A few months ago I started to look for a food bank or a place that could provide some help to me and my family."
Juanita searched the internet and found that La Voz Sylmar hosts a food pantry every Thursday, and it's near the Covarrubias' home. "I said, 'Why not, let's go try it,'" said Juanita. "We showed up and were so surprised. They gave us a big box of veggies, fruit and meat, and some bread, without asking many questions at all."
They also saw Juanita had her young son with her, and blessed the family with diapers and wipes as well. "It helped so much," she said. "After that day, our kids don't need to worry about food. The food bank has been such a blessing to our family in hard times."
Juanita said her brother and nephew are also now receiving help from La Voz Sylmar. "Please keep helping (this cause) so we don't end up homeless," she said. "Thank you to the Valley Food Bank for partnering with La Voz Sylmar and helping our community."
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