Thank you for ensuring that Rescue Mission Alliance can help our friends in need well into the future.
If you've chosen to include us in your estate plans, please consider informing us by clicking here. Your decision allows us to plan effectively for the future and continue our important work.
There are many options when it comes to Planned Giving. Some of these options are deferred and will be received by the Rescue Mission Alliance after your lifetime. Some will go to work right away. All deliver their own individual kinds of tax advantages and these can be very powerful tools to save money in your Estate or for your present needs.
Planned Giving can include bequests, trusts, and other options tailored to meet your financial goals while leaving a lasting impact on the causes that matter most to you. We understand that decisions about legacy giving are deeply personal, and we are committed to working with you to create a plan that aligns with your values and philanthropic vision.

Your legacy donation will change lives for years to come.
Many people are thrilled to discover that including a gift to the Mission in their Will, or other planned giving options, can significantly impact the lives of people in need for eternity.

Have Questions? Contact Us Today!
My name is Dave Chittenden, Chief Financial Officer at Rescue Mission Alliance. Let me know if you have any questions about giving stocks, real estate, retirement assets, or if you have other planned or legacy giving needs. If you have any questions, please contact me at 805-201-4347 or